UCLA Extension Visual Arts
WINTER 2025 ART X430 Chinese Brush Painting
Jan 8, 2025 - Mar 19, 2054 (11-weeks DCA Elective)
Wednesday 7:00PM PT - 10:00PM PT
In-person (at UCLAx Lindbrook Center)
Mayee's comprehensive 11-week, 4-unit course offers an in-depth exploration into the theory, materials, techniques, skills, and subjects of Chinese Brush Painting through lectures, demonstrations, discussion, and step-by-step studio instruction. UCLAx Design Communication Arts Elective.
Recommended materials for the course:
Winter 2025 Lesson Plan
By the end of this course, successful participants will be able to:
Demonstrate general knowledge, preparation, and proper use of Chinese Brush Painting materials including various types of brushes and rice papers; traditional Chinese inks, mineral colors, and western watercolors.
Demonstrate beginning skills to deliver brush strokes with fluidity, dexterity, and spontaneity including proper brush handling, sequence, and execution of strokes.
Apply Chinese Brush Painting techniques to produce finished compositions including floral, creatures, and landscape subjects.
Apply key principles of design and composition to produce original images.